North Shelby Library offers Memory Kits to Assisted Living and Memory Care facilities in the district.
Memory Care Kits are designed to spark memories, create conversation and provide positive, engaging interactions. Librarians hope people with cognitive impairment, memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia-related conditions and their caregivers can enjoy spending time together without worrying about completing a specific task or activity.

The facilities can choose between a general Memory Kit equipped with books for caretakers, drawing set with brush and cup, fidget toys , puzzles, and other tools of creative engagement.

They can also choose between a themed Memory Kit like ‘Hymns and Churches’, ‘Memory Lane’, or ‘Tinkering with Tools’. Movie collections are also available for check out.

Kits are available for checkout for 30 days.
For more information about these kits
Contact Dee Green | 205.439.5508 |